Recent brain research results show how we decide. Our decision flaws, twisted thoughts, sensorial weaknesses become evident. When we buy, we are deeply influenced by the environment, by the presentation of the offer. Brain sciences often discover what marketeers already apply intuitively since years, but from time to time also provide communication professionals with new ideas and guidelines.
Whatever the natural reluctance of some marketing professionals for the neuromarketing approach, it might be helpful for them to increase their intimacy with their customer, with their brain and intelligence.
During Neuromarketing 2016, which will be held in Dubai next April 2016, we will thus discuss what is known about memory impact, emotions management, decision making steps, customers stress, perception and attention capture, intelligence enhacement,…
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to apply the latest results in cognitive and decision sciences to new product development, point of sales design, package design, advertising campaign, sales processes, storytelling, and more
The workshop will be directed by Prof. Patrick M. Georges, Neuroscientist at the University of Brussels, Professor in management at the Collège des Ingénieurs in Paris and author of « Neurosciences and marketing » for Kogan Page.
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